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PDF Download wwgpt1 Fantasy Classics 1" June 9, 2009 59.8mb
Designers: Matthew Lyon, Paul Senior, Denny Unger, Bob Cooper


Ruined Undercrypt of Kelmarane

Something foul lurks in the crypt below the ruined church of Sarenrae in the ghost town of Kelmarane—something so foul that the savage humanoids that now claim the town as their lair avoid the church entirely. What is the link between the strange, otherworldly influence in this sinister crypt and the town's troubled past, and can your characters survive to the end to find out?

This fully modular, 3-D terrain set is designed around a “place-as-you-play” framework to keep your players guessing as they pass through each area. It’s as easy as print, build and play! You’re not limited by specific build sizes or layouts, either; combine elements or print extra corridors to create massive undercrypt environments. And for those pressed for time, we’ve also included WorldWorksGames' exclusive 2.5-D build system, allowing you to use 2-D floor tiles combined with 3-D doors and props! All of this backed by our expertly crafted 300dpi custom textures and easy-to-follow instructions make this a must-have package for any Pathfinder Adventure Path fan.

The Ruined Undercrypt of Kelmarane includes all of the following:

  •     102 pages of walls, floors, templates, and props (both 3-D and 2.5-D versions).
  •     Richly illustrated 45 page instruction manual.
  •     Upper crypt Circular Antechamber with stairs, well and moveable gong.
  •     Upper crypt Main Crypt chamber with burial niches, raised dais platform and ceramic cask.
  •     Upper crypt Reliquary with hidden treasures.
  •     Lower crypt Antechamber with fully functional sliding portcullis! (Includes flat nonfunctional version).
  •     Lower crypt halls. 4 ancient modular hall sections with burial niches, archways and mist FX.
  •     Lower crypt Funerary Chamber. Large removable door, 6 removable columns (for easy play), ornate throne, raised 2 step dais, angled chamber walls with entry arch.
  •     Mounting templates for all rooms and corridors.
  •     Includes 2-D tilesets for all 4 rooms and 5 halls!
  •     Simplified 2.5-D version of cask.
  •     Includes freestanding 2.5-D doors, portcullis and archways!
  •     And as always, fully photographed instructions to take you through the build process.

Download the instructions for a closer look at what its like to build this terrain (37 MB zipped PDF) now!

So what are you waiting for? Take your next Pathfinder adventure to the next level and astound, delight, and inspire your players today!

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